This is my favorite pizza crust yet!
Why? Because it so easy and loaded with nutritious, cruciferous goodness yet you can not taste broccoli at all! Not that the taste of broccoli is bad - it's not - but not something you'd think about with pizza.
2-3 cups organic raw broccoli, pulsed in my food processor.
2-3 oz of white cheese (I use fresh mozzarella), grated or pulsed in food Processor
1 egg
Seasoning and Herbs: Himalayan salt, black pepper, garlic powder, basil, minced onion, oregano, mustard powder, turmeric, whatever you want!
Put processed broccoli, cheese, egg and seasonings in bowl and mix well. Using hands, give it a final mix and then take and press out to about ¼ inch circle on parchment paper on pan or stone. Form edge if you like.
Bake in oven on 450º for approximately 15 minutes until starts to lightly brown. Remove from oven and place another piece of parchment paper on top and flip over to bake other side for about 10 minutes. Once done, flip back over and layer your ingredients and bake another 10-15 minutes at 350º
TOPPINGS (that I used this time)
Bertolli's pasta sauce, enough to put a thin layer as a base
Sliced orange bell pepper, onion, grape tomatoes, green olives, mushrooms
Fresh rosemary, basil leaves if you like
Topped (or bottom layer) with a little graded white cheese
This has been my favorite pizza so far. The flavor was excellent (could not tell it was broccoli and it held together beautifully.)
The big advantage was not needing to squeeze the liquid from it like what is needed with cauliflower.
This satisfies any desire for pizza and will be made again and again.